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Suzuki 4 wheeler that Wilwert's has provided SPI for race track and  tee shirt shoot each night. The Suzuki Fun Gun provided by Wilwert's Inc.

Rain Halts Farley Speedway Bud Shootout


Night number two of the SPI Bud Shootouts came to an abrupt halt when rain settled into the Farley area following the running of the four Bud Shootout Iowa Illinois Taylor Insulation heat races. 44 Late Model drivers had entered the event sponsored by Urbain & Associates Insurance of Dubuque, Iowa.


Heat wins went to Denny Eckrich, Steve Kosiski, Dan Galant and Luke Merfeld.


The racing action has tentatively been set to resume at the point where we left off on the opening night of the “Yankee Dirt Track Classic” which will be Wednesday, September 11th.


The officials of SPI will be setting the entire race program in the next couple of days and an updated release will be published at that time.


Farley Speedway


By: Jerry Mackey

Copyright © 2001-2004 Simmons Promotions Inc.
Simmons Promotions Inc.
27317 Olde Farley Rd
Farley, Iowa 52046
SPI office phone # 1-563-744-3620
Fax # 1-563-744-3598
Last modified: October 27, 2004

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