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Suzuki 4 wheeler that Wilwert's has provided SPI for race track and  tee shirt shoot each night. The Suzuki Fun Gun provided by Wilwert's Inc.

The following is a clarification regarding the Bounty placed on NASCAR Modified driver Ron Barker by Simmons Promotions.


Barker Wins Modified Feature: Bounty Increases


Ronnie Barker of Dubuque, Iowa won his seventh feature in nine starts at the Farley Speedway on Friday, June 14th. The win will increase the bounty paced on Barker by $50 making it $350 in effect Friday, June 21st. The Bounty will increase by $50 per week in the event Barker continues his winning streak, according to Keith Simmons of Simmons Promotions. Any Modified driver who is able to beat Barker with Barker running competitively will collect the Bounty at the Farley Speedway. Ronnie Barker will be able to collect the bounty money by winning out the remainder of the 2002 NASCAR point season at the Farley Speedway.


Officials of SPI regret any misunderstanding created by statements or print concerning the Bounty program.   


Simmons Promotions

Farley, Iowa


By: Jerry Mackey

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Copyright © 2001-2004 Simmons Promotions Inc.
Simmons Promotions Inc.
27317 Olde Farley Rd
Farley, Iowa 52046
SPI office phone # 1-563-744-3620
Fax # 1-563-744-3598
Last modified: September 11, 2004

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