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Suzuki 4 wheeler that Wilwert's has provided SPI for race track and  tee shirt shoot each night. The Suzuki Fun Gun provided by Wilwert's Inc.

Simmons Promotions 2002 Awards Banquet Set

Simmons Promotions General Manager, Joe Hayes, has announced that the 2002 Racing Awards banquet has been set for January, 18th 2003. The awards banquet will be held at the all new Palace Ballroom located at the Farley Speedway. The banquet will recognize drivers who competed at all three Simmons Promoted race tracks in 2002. The Farley Speedway, West Liberty Raceway and Dubuque County Fairgrounds drivers will receive their awards and special point fund award monies following the supper meal. Following the awards music will be presented by Bobby Hansen Mobile Music. 

Ticket reservations may be made by calling the Farley Speedway office at 563-744-3620 .    

Simmons Promotions Inc.
Farley, Iowa

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Copyright © 2001-2004 Simmons Promotions Inc.
Simmons Promotions Inc.
27317 Olde Farley Rd
Farley, Iowa 52046
SPI office phone # 1-563-744-3620
Fax # 1-563-744-3598
Last modified: September 11, 2004

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