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Suzuki 4 wheeler that Wilwert's has provided SPI for race track and  tee shirt shoot each night. The Suzuki Fun Gun provided by Wilwert's Inc.

“Yankee” Charity Auction Raises $7,342 For Petty Charity Ride


The 2nd annual charity auction was held on Saturday, September 4th in conjunction with the running of the “Yankee Dirt Track Classic” at the Farley Speedway. The benefactor of the funds raised is the Kyle Petty Charity Ride which raises funds for Children’s hospitals across the country that treat kids with chronic diseases.


The auction raised $7,342 with the top price item selling for over $2,000. The item was a drivers helmet signed by the Winston Cup drivers that raced in the Mountain Dew Southern 500 at the Darlington International Speedway in 2002.  The helmet was purchased by Randy and Deb Noel of Noels Tree and Crane Service of Iowa City, Iowa.

 Simmons Promotions would like to thank all contributors and purchasers for making the charity auction a huge success.


Simmons Promotions

By: Jerry Mackey


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Copyright © 2001-2004 Simmons Promotions Inc.
Simmons Promotions Inc.
27317 Olde Farley Rd
Farley, Iowa 52046
SPI office phone # 1-563-744-3620
Fax # 1-563-744-3598
Last modified: October 27, 2004

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