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Suzuki 4 wheeler that Wilwert's has provided SPI for race track and  tee shirt shoot each night. The Suzuki Fun Gun provided by Wilwert's Inc.

2003 Spring Championships Set To Open West Liberty Raceway

Raceway Boosters To Host Chili Supper

Saturday, April 5

West Liberty, Iowa: The West Liberty Raceway is set to open for another exciting season of stock car racing. Saturday, April 5th the West Liberty Raceway will host the annual Spring Championships featuring the Dodge NASCAR Weekly Racing Series. The headliner of the action packed night of racing will be the Iowa Illinois Taylor Insulation Late Model 50 lap main event. The winner of the Late Model feature will receive $2,000. In addition to Late Models, the Miller Time Modifieds, NASCAR Pro Stocks and NASCAR Hobby Stocks will all be in action. The West Liberty Raceway is located on the Muscatine County Fairgrounds in West Liberty, Iowa and features a wide semi banked ½ mile clay track. Hot laps will get underway at 5:30 p.m. with racing to follow on Saturday, April 5th.


Following the racing action the West Liberty Raceway Boosters are going to host a chili supper. All proceeds realized from the chili supper will be used in assisting the Muscatine County Fairboard in purchasing a new sound system for the West Liberty Raceway. The chili supper will be held in one of the buildings directly outside of turn one of the raceway. A $3 donation fee will be charged for the chili supper.


For race day information please check the SPI website at www.simmonspromotionsinc.com


Simmons Promotions

West Liberty Raceway


By: Jerry Mackey

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Simmons Promotions Inc.
27317 Olde Farley Rd
Farley, Iowa 52046
SPI office phone # 1-563-744-3620
Fax # 1-563-744-3598
Last modified: October 27, 2004

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