2003 4 Cylinder Flyer Rules and Car Specs
Farley / Dubuque Speedway (12-01-02)
All cars are to be 4 cylinder, front wheel drive. All cars should be neat appearing. No glass, all plastic and trim must be removed. Pump gas only, No additives. Fuel system will be inspected. Roll cage must be a 4-point minimum, mounted in a safe manner. Racing seat recommended or safe mounted bucket seat (If using bucket seat, a bar must be mounted behind it. Doors must be securely fastened shut. Master shutoff switch for electrical fuel pump. Safety, Seat Belts, Seats, Helmets, Window Nets, All seats must be made of aluminum or steel and approved by Officials. All seats will be required to be mounted to the frame or the roll cage of the car. All cars will be required to be equipped with a minimum 5-point harness. All belts will be required to be mounted to the frames of the car or to the roll cage. Helmets should be of full-face shield type and are subject to inspection. All cars will be required to use a full size window net in the drivers window at all times. Fire resistant shoes & gloves recommended. Fire resistant drivers suit required. No aftermarket mechanical parts allowed, No Turbo’s, No performance enhancement parts allowed. Windshield must have protective screen for driver’s side. ¼” screen mesh with a minimum (4) ½ “ bars behind mesh. Stock Dash required. Tow hooks front & rear 3/8” cable minimum, Rule Will Be Enforced. No Hondas or Accuras. OEM size tires on car. Car number must be on the front of the car 6” minimum. Officials may remove any component from vehicle for further inspection at any time. Feature Win: Last weeks feature event winner will start last on the field at their next attended event. Mid Season and Season Championship will be lined up by total season points inverted. 2003 4 Cylinder Flyer Rules and Car Specs.doc Microsoft Word Document |