2004 Modified RulesFarley / Dubuque (11-29-03) ROLL CAGES Must consist of continuous hoops not less than 1.666" diameter and must have a wall thickness of at least .095. Must be frame mounted in at least six places. Body mounted roll cages are not acceptable Must consist of a configuration of front and rear hoops connected by tubing on the side or hoops in a manner deemed acceptable by the Tech Inspector. Driver's head must not protrude above cage with helmet on and strapped in the driver's seat. Roll cage must be securely supported and braced. Low carbon, Mild steel tubing is recommended. Other materials are subject to prior approval. No iron pipe or square tubing allowed. No brazing or soldering allowed. No brace bars forward of cage may be higher than stock hood height. Protection of feet mandatory. Bar across back of engine with vertical bars and rub rails or similar protection to meet requirements of the Tech Inspector. Fire proof roll bar padding within reach of driver. DRIVER DOOR BARS Must be as parallel with the ground as possible and located perpendicular to the driver so as to provide maximum protection for driver without causing undue difficulty in getting into or out of vehicle. The sidebars must be welded to the front and the rear of the roll cage members. Should have 4 bars at least .095 thickness by 1 ½" diameter. SAFETY, SEAT BELTS, SEATS, HELMETS, AND WINDOW NETS: All seats must be made of aluminum or steel and approved by Officials. All seats will be required to be mounted to the frame or the roll cage of the car. All cars will be required to be equipped with a minimum 5-point harness. All belts will be required to be mounted to the frame of the car or to the roll cage. Helmets should be of full-face shield type and are subject to inspection. All cars will be required to use a full size window net in the driver's door at all times. Fire resistant shoes & gloves recommended. FIRE SUITS Flame retardant nature must be worn by all competitors. Two-piece fire suits are allowed. EXHAUST SYSTEM Must be mounted in such a way as to direct spent gases away from cockpit of vehicle and away from areas of possible fuel spillage. Mufflers required at all times. WEIGHTS: Must be painted white and have car number on it. They must be securely fastened with 7/16” or larger bolts. No weights allowed in drivers compartment or on rear bumper or attached to fuel cell brackets. FUEL CELLS An approved manufactured fuel cell with a maximum capacity of 32 gallons. Fuel cell will be required to be encased in a metal container. All fuel cells must be equipped with a rollover valve in the vent fitting and in the fuel fill. Fuel cells must be required to have pick up location on top of cell. It is highly recommended that all fuel cells be equipped with foam. Fuel cell will be required to be mounted to frame of car. Fuel cell will be required to be secured with straps or tubing around it. Fuel cell cannot hang below the bottom of the rear end tubes with the car sitting at ride height. All cars will be required to be equipped with a fuel cell guard that is mounted separately from the fuel cell and comes to the bottom of the fuel cell. Minimum 1 ½ " tubing must be used for fuel guard. BATTERIES Must be securely mounted and shielded. Batteries mounted inside vehicle must be in marine type cases. FUEL: May be either gasoline or alcohol. NO NITROUS OXIDE. No additives of any kind. TIRES: Hoosier Super Chain Link 26.5 or 27.5/ 8.0-15 SCL tire mounted on a steel wheel with a maximum width of 8". Bead locking devises allowed on right rear only. Only foam wheel covers or beadlock / mudplug combinations will be permitted. No grooving siping or softening of the tire allowed. "A" Hardness required on all Four Corners FRAMES: May not be widened or narrowed and must be able to support roll cage on both sides. Must be full and complete on both sides. Cross members may be notched for radiator clearance only. Minimum frame height and body height from ground is 4". Front suspension must be replaceable by stock part from same type suspension. Stock passenger car spindles only; NO fabricated spindles. Bottom A-frame cannot be altered or moved. Tube type upper "A" frames allowed and can be moved. NO coil over shocks allowed either front or rear. NO coil covers used anywhere in or on car. NO Jeep, Bronco, ECT. Or 4 wheel drive frames allowed. NO sports car frames allowed. Rear of frame may be altered to accept leaf or coil springs; any coil springs must be at least 4 ½" outside diameter. Fiberglass leaf springs allowed. NO torsion bars allowed in rear. One shock per wheel only. Additional shocks in other locations permissible. Minimum wheelbase, 108", both sides- NO TOLERANCE. NO front clips or tube type allowed. NO aluminum drive shafts.BODIES: Must use full size roof. Must be stock appearing. Stock appearing front windshield and rear window support unit (painted roll bars not acceptable substitute.) Full firewall and floorboards are mandatory. All body parts must be recognized as factory production vehicle. No extended edges anywhere. All corners and edges must be clean. Handmade body parts may be constructed of steel, aluminum or fiberglass but must be recognized as factory production vehicle. NO "slab" bodies. All cars in competition must have a complete paint job. Unpainted aluminum bodies are not acceptable. Must have a minimum 6" number on front of car. All cars must be numbered with large legible numbers on both doors, on top and rear panel. Letters on doors of car should be in contrasting color from body, be at least 4" thick and at least 20" high. Top numbers should be at least 4" thick and at least 30" high. Sponsors' names must not interfere with car numbers and must be neatly lettered. Original roofline of vehicle must be maintained with a maximum of 1" drop rear to front. NO wings, spoilers or any other ground effects are allowed anywhere outside or inside of car. A rear deck lid spoiler will be allowed maximum height of 5". Total height from ground to top of spoiler not to exceed 38". Engine compartment will remain open, NO side panels; hood sides may have maximum 4" drop; bodies should extend no further forward than back of block. Rear body panel to be a solid panel at least 8" high and include car number. Driver and passenger door window must have at least a 12" vertical opening. The rear roof posts must extend to the quarter panels, left and right side. Left and right side rear roof panels must be the same length and design. The roof panels will have a maximum height at the rear not to exceed 3”. Rear spoiler braces must not exceed 5” in height. Rear spoiler maximum height of 5”. A minimum distance of 59 inches and a maximum distance of 64 inches will be permitted between the outer edges of the quarter panels measured at the rear bumper height.TRANSMISSIONS NO 5 speed transmissions. NO "in and out" boxes. NO buttons or couplers. Must all be clutch operated. Transmission must have at least one gear forward and one gear reverse, plus a neutral position and must be able to be shifted by driver with motor running. Bert and Brinn transmissions allowed. All racecars must join lineup on demand, unaided, or go to rear of that race. Clutch type transmissions must be equipped with an explosive proof steel bellhousing. If an explosion proof bellhousing is not available for your engine, or if you prefer, you my construct a shield of at least ½" by 6" steel covering the clutch area 360 degrees and be securely fastened. Highly recommended, including automatic transmissions.DRIVE SHAFT A loop is required and must be constructed of at least ¼" by 2" steel and must be mounted no more than 6" back from front of drive shaft. Drive shaft must be painted white.MIRRORS NOT ALLOWEDENGINE Any American make engine may be used as long as rear of engine (bellhousing flange) is mounted at least 72" forward from the center line of rear axle. Engine offset 2" must be kept within the stub. Engine height minimum 11" from ground to front center of crankshaft. All engines used in competition must be able to be used in conventional passenger car without alterations. Motor mounts cannot be removed or altered. NO aluminum engine blocks.BUMPERS Bumpers must be used both front and rear. Front bumpers must be frame end-to frame end with the bottom loop parallel to the ground. Must be made of minimum 11/4" pipe and must be able to support car if lifted by wrecker. Rear bumpers, nerf bars and bodies must not extend beyond width of rear tires. Rear bumpers may be constructed of pipe or flat stock, but must not have any sharp edges and must protect fuel cell. Center of bumper front or rear 18" from ground, + - 2".ASPIRATION One (2) or one (4) barrel carburetor permitted; must be naturally aspirated. NO FUEL INJECTION; NO ELECTRIC FUEL PUMPS; NO MAGNETOS. WEIGHT LIMIT 2450 LBS WITH DRIVER AFTER RACE.REAR END Any passenger car type or truck rear end may be used; NO aluminum allowed. Aluminum lowering blocks, axle caps and drive plate allowed. NO quick-change devices allowed. Solid drive flanges only.STEERING BOX Steering box must be O.E.M. NO rack and pinion allowed. Must remain within original bolt pattern for type of frame used. In cockpit steering may be modified to suit driver's taste, but must be kept on left side of cockpit. NO CENTER STEERING.ALUMINUM PARTS Aluminum Wheels, hubs, calipers, "A" frames or spindles are not allowed or any other aluminum suspension parts are not allowed. All calipers O.E.M. Plastic wheels are not allowed. NO aluminum engine blocks. ALL VEHICLES MUST HAVE THE CAPABILITY OF STARTING WITHOUT BEING PUSHED PULLED. NO ON BOARD RADIOS. NO ON BOARD COMPUTERS."THE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS SET FOURTH HEREIN ARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORDERLY CONDUCT OF RACING EVENTS AND TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH EVENTS. THESE RULES SHALL GOVERN THE CONDITION OF ALL RACING EVENTS. AND, BY PARTICIPATING IN THESE EVENTS, ALL RACING MEMBERS ARE DEEMED TO HAVE COMPLIED WITH THESE RULES. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATION OF, OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS, THEY ARE INTENDED AS A GUIDE FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE SPORT AND ARE IN NO WAY A GUARANTEE AGAINST INJURY OR DEATH TO PARTICIPANTS, SPECTATORS, OR OTHERS". |