2004 Pro Stock Rules and RegulationsFarley, Dubuque (11-29-03) BODY, REAR SPOILER, ROOF, AND INTERIOR RULES: See diagram of rules sheet for body rules. Body will be required to be mounted in a professional and neat manner and is subject to approval by the officials. Window openings will be required to be wide enough so the driver can get out of either side of the car. One solid rear spoiler, maximum of eight 8" inches high and seventy-two 72" inches wide will be permitted. Maximum of (3) spoiler braces. Interior will be required to be made and installed in a professional and neat manner and is subject to inspection. The floor pan of the driver's compartment from the driver’s seat forward and up a minimum of 6" in front of driver's feet must be made of one sheet .125 thickness metal made of aluminum or steel. Two or more sheets put together are NOT acceptable. All cars will be required to have a firewall between driver and both the engine compartment and the fuel cell. Roofs may be made of fiberglass, steel or aluminum, but must meet specifications as set fourth in the rules and must be approved by track officials. All roof panels must have front mounting posts and rear roof panels. The rear roof posts must extend to the quarter panel, left and right side. The front roof posts must be a minimum of one 1" inch wide each. The rear roof panels must be mounted as per diagrams for the body style each car is using. Left and right side rear roof panels must be the same length and design. NO curving or bowing out of roof panels allowed. The interior of the car may be dropped a maximum of (3) inches below the top of the doors, but must fasten flush at the top of the doors and taper towards center of car without any lips. The interior may taper from the rear of the car down a maximum of (3) inches, but run parallel to the quarter panels for a minimum of (32) inches from the rear spoiler. Minimum filler width is frame rail to frame rail. WHEELBASE: Minimum 103 inches, no tolerance. ENGINE: Any size engine allowed. Any intake is allowed, Carburetor spacer maximum size 1 ½”, (2) gaskets maximum, one top one bottom with a maximum thickness of .070 allowed each. One 2-barrel Holley 4412 (500 cfm) allowed, air horn mandatory. Starter must be operable. No aluminum heads or block allowed. Valve angle must be within 1 1/2 degree of OEM. Roller rockers and cam allowed. No dry sumps allowed. All cars will be required to be equipped with a round dry element type air cleaner, maximum height four (4) inches. Maximum diameter seventeen (17) inches. All air cleaners are required to have a complete metal top and bottom. No carburetor air dams or devises permitted to increase the airflow to the carburetor, either inside or outside of the air cleaner, and must rest on carburetor. CHASSIS: Cars with a fabricated front stub are allowed a maximum 6" engine setback. Cars with a factory front stub will be allowed an 8" setback. To be considered a factory front stub, you must retain stock steering and idler arm, lower control arms, and standard frame rail. WEIGHT: Standard weight is 2550 lb., post race. Cars with a stock stub will be allowed a 150 pound break. Cars running a GM 358 CI motor or less, a Ford or a Dodge with a 364 CI motor or less will also be allowed an additional 150-pound weight break. Examples; Fabricated Stub, Big Motor-2550 lb. Fabricated Stub, Small motor-2400lb Stock Stub, Small Motor-2250lb BATTERY: Must be mounted in a safe and secure manner. STARTER: Starter must be operable and start car. FUEL: Mechanical fuel pump only, mounted in stock location. Fuel must be gasoline only. The gasoline shall not be blended with alcohol's, ether's or oxygenates and it shall not be blended with aniline or its derivatives, nitrous compounds, or other nitrogen containing compounds. No icing or cooling of the fuel system is permitted. RADIATOR: Any type of radiator is allowed which will fit under the hood with minor cutting or altering stock fit of hood. BRAKES: All cars will be required to be equipped with four (4) wheel operational brakes. Brake rotors will be required to be made of cast iron or cast steel; calipers may be made of steel or aluminum. CARBON FIBER OR CERAMIC BRAKES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. WHEELS: 10 inch wide steel. Beadlock on right rear only. No aluminum wheels TIRES: Required tires are Hoosier Dirt Bozz 285-265-255/65-15. Medium compound only allowed. Must durometer at 50-pt minimum at any time. REAR ENDS: Any type of truck or floater type allowed. Quick change allowed. TRANSMISSION/CLUTCH: Any type transmission allowed. Flywheel scatter shield is required on all clutch transmissions. No in/out boxes allowed. Brinn and Bert type transmissions allowed. All cars must have a reverse. WEIGHT: All weights must be painted white and have the car number on it. They must be securely fastened with 7/16 or larger bolts. Weights must be in car, but outside driver's compartment, No weight allowed on rear bumper or fuel cell braces. SAFETY, SEAT BELTS, SEATS, HELMETS, AND WINDOW NETS: All seats must be made of aluminum or steel and approved by Officials. All seats will be required to be mounted to the frame or the roll cage of the car. All cars will be required to be equipped with a minimum 5-point harness. All belts will be required to be mounted to the frame of the car or to the roll cage. Helmets should be of full-face shield type and are subject to inspection. All cars will be required to use a full size window net in the driver's door at all times. Fire resistant shoes & gloves recommended. Fireproof drivers suit required. ROLL BARS: Four-point roll cage of suitable tubing base and upright members shall be welded solidly to the frame. Cage shall be braced to rear frame and diagonally side-to-side between rear uprights. At least 3 drivers’ side bars between the 2 uprights running horizontally, outside diameter of the tubing must be at least 1 1/2" OD with .095 wall thickness. Driver’s side vent bar and a diagonal bar in the halo are also required. Flame retardant roll cage padding required on all pipes within reach of driver. MIRRORS: NOT ALLOWED NO TRANSMITTING OR RECIEVING DEVICES, NO TRACTION CONTROL FUEL CELL/GUARD: An approved manufactured fuel cell with a maximum capacity of 32 gallons. Fuel cell will be required to be encased in a metal container. All fuel cells must be equipped with a rollover valve in the vent fitting and in the fuel fill. Fuel cells must be required to have pick up location on top of cell. It is highly recommended that all fuel cells be equipped with foam. Fuel cell will be required to be mounted to the frame of the car. Fuel cell will be required to be secured with straps or tubing around it. Fuel cell cannot hang below the bottom of the rear end tubes with the car setting at race height. All cars will be required to be equipped with a fuel cell guard that is mounted separately from the fuel cell and comes to the bottom of the fuel cell. Minimum 1 ½ " tubing must be used for fuel guard. FIREWALLS: Rear firewall must separate driver's compartment from rear wheels and fuel cell. Front firewall must be solid, with all holes covered. TOW HOOKS: All cars must have a tow hook on the front and rear minimum 3/8” cable. Rule Will Be Enforced. DRIVESHAFT: An approved driveshaft safety loop must be used at a point 6" back from the front universal joint. Minimum requirement 1/4" x 2". Drive shaft must be painted white. No carbon fiber driveshafts. APPEARANCE: Paint all cars neatly and brightly. Bright and light colors are recommended. Numbers must be painted neatly on both sides and roof of car. Numbering must be done using minimum 24" tall with 3"width numbers. Numbers must also appear on rear filler panel. Must have minimum 6" tall number visible from the front. EXHAUST/MUFFLER: Collector type headers are mandatory, and will be required to exit under the car and extend rearward to a point behind the bellhousing. Headers must exit under the car and parallel to the ground or may exit left side of car. All competing models will be required to use mufflers to meet a maximum noise level of 98 DBA at 100 feet. "THE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS SET FOURTH HEREIN ARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE FOR THE ORDERLY CONDUCT OF RACING EVENTS AND TO ESTABLISH MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCH EVENTS. THESE RULES SHALL GOVERN THE CONDITION OF ALL RACING EVENTS. AND, BY PARTICIPATING IN THESE EVENTS, ALL RACING MEMBERS ARE DEEMED TO HAVE COMPLIED WITH THESE RULES. NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATION OF, OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS, THEY ARE INTENDED AS A GUIDE FOR THE CONDUCT OF THE SPORT AND ARE IN NO WAY A GUARANTEE AGAINST INJURY OR DEATH TO PARTICIPANTS, SPECTATORS, OR OTHERS". |