John Flury
Biography: John Flury is 41 years old. He drives the # 00 car in the Farley Fliers division. His hometown is Epworth, IA. The year and make of his car is a 1999 Dodge Neon. John and Mary Lou own the car and John Flury (dad), Kent Welter, Kate and Molly Flury are crew members.
John is married to Mary Lou, has two daughters Kate (14) and Molly (10). He is a Foreman for Ed Kraemer & Sons (Bridge Building).
Good Luck this year John!
Sponsor Info: Toys Done Right, Maahs Auto, Topgrade, Merfeld Brothers Auto, Ahmann Design, Gold Canyon Candles, Total Chaos, Victory Ford, D&D; Auto, Tauke Dodge.