Simmons Promotions Inc. Presents Hawkeye Downs Winter Race Car Parts Auction and Trade Show! Located at the Historic Expo Hall at Hawkeye Downs in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Make plans now to attend this 1 Day Auction and Trade Show!
Doors open at 8:00am Saturday morning with the auction beginning at 9:02am.
Once again no buyer’s fees, lot number charges, or bidder number fees! Visa and MasterCard accepted. Out of state checks must be cleared with SPI for approval.
Parts consignments will be accepted on Friday Jan. 9,2015 from 8:00am-8:00pm. Cars and Trailers will be sold through the ring.
Rod and Randy Backes and Greg Kastli will be handling all auctioneering duties!
Still many prime time numbers available-Contact Simmons Promotions Inc to reserve lot numbers now! 563-744-3620.
Updates will also be posted on The Farley Speedway Facebook Page.
Excepting complete Liquidations, Sellouts,Cars,Trailers,Shop Equipment,Collector Car,ETC. please call today to reserve a spot in this event! 563-744-3620 Simmons Promotions Inc.