Ron Barker - Modified
Biography: Ron Barker is 46 years old. He drives the #37B car in the Modified division. His hometown is Dubuque, IA. The year and chassis type of his car is a 2006 Dirt. Ron and Karen Barker are the car owners and Gary Fullbright with Dick Barker are crew members.
Ron is married to Karen of 23 years, has two children Lindsay (20), Laura (18) and one grandson Jayden (1 1/2). He is a Service Manager at Dubuque Thermo King.
Good Luck this year Ron!
Sponsor Info: Midwest Meats, Grove Automotive, Seegys Race Products, M-K Matic, Auto Transmission Service, Crown Collision Center, Gene Bartleg, Accounting & Tax Solutions, Chucks Toppers, Mac Tools, Out Pace Race Products, SJD Graphics, Real Wheels, J&R; Transport.