Jan Messer
Biography: Jan Messer is 55 years old. He drives the #24M car in the Modified division. Hid hometown is Manchester, IA. The year and chassis type of his car is a 2004 Skyrocket. Jan owns is car and Jared Messer, Corey Coates with Jesse Lewin are crew members.
Jan is married to Corene, has three children and seven grandchildren. He is retired from Car Quest Auto Parts Store, but is currently driving a school bus. He enjoys flying an Ultralight Airplane.
Good Luck this year Jan!
Sponsor Info: Diamond Jo Casino, Marla's Screen Printing & More, Pizza Ranch, Burbridge Automotive & Machine, R&R Construction, Schluetter Body Shop, Hagie Sprayer & Ken Burns Inc., Lewins Graphics & Lettering, Don's Auto Service.