Anyone wishing to donate a bike or bookbag or even money to go towards the nickel toss or any of the other stuff that we purchase for Farley Speedway or Dubuque Speedway Back To School Night at the Races please contact Sandy Bechen, Lori Miller or Carey Feller at either of the two tracks. Sandy can usually be found in the admission booth, Lori can be found in the pit shack and Carey can be found in the beer stand (Dubuque). You can call the office at 563-744-3620, if no ones answers please leave message and I will be checking them regular or call Sandy at 563-599-4821. It will be greatly appreciated by all to see the faces of the children when they recieve everything that they do.
Remeber Back To School Night is Aug 10 at Farley Speedway and Aug 12 at Dubuque Speedway.
Carey Feller is doing Back to School at West Liberty Raceway (July 11) as well. If there is anyone wishing to donate for that please contact Sandy or Carey. A BIG thank you for anyone that may have already donated and also for anyone who may donate.